- Bi-directional movement and resistance.
- • Resistance system - 3 phase combination generator and eddy current
- brake with the largest wattage range in the industry, starting at 6 watts.
- • 1-20 levels adjustable in .1 increments providing 200 levels of resistance.
- • Enhanced, sturdy standing platform with up to 750 lb weight capacity.
- • Ideal with a stability ball or disc.
- • Versatile ground-based training. Use it for one or both arm exercises -
- forward or backward - for strength and cardio.
- • Adjustable and reversible arm cranks for greater range of movement, va-
- riety and custom ! t. Arm cranks are 19 degrees from the vertical plane,
- for the most biomechanically correct position.
- • Fully adjustable head (35”-61” range) and monitor accommodates users
- of all heights and allows them to exercise while seated or standing,
- providing more exercise options and versatility.
- • Heart Rate compatible with most wireless technology.
- 7” LCD display with user friendly interface using tactile keypad, color coded with
- audible beep.
- • Programs: One button Quick Start, Manual, Hill Pro! les, Random Pro! les, Heart Rate,
- Iso-Strength, Constant Work, Heart-Fit Test, Heart-Fit Training (4 levels with 3 pro-
- grams at each level), Power-Fit Test, Power-Fit Training (4 levels with 3 programs at
- each level), Stress Test and Fit-Quik™.
- • Administrative mode: includes 6 user de! ned languages, metric or US units of mea-
- sure and other custom settings.
- • Built-in twin Fans: 3 levels of intensity at low, medium and high.
- • Power Burst - 8 second burst of Iso-Strength. Available on all programs except: Heart-
- Fit Test/Training, Power-Fit Test/Training, Heart Rate, Iso-Strength and Stress Test.
- • Automatic cool down after each exercise is completed.
- • Download results to USB # ash drive. Simply plug your USB key in the Fit-Key slot and
- your work-out will be copied in a text ! le for saving and printing.
- • Display Feedback: Heart rate, time, RPM, calories, distance/miles, level, watts and
- MET’s with two change view screens
- • CSAFE port and 8-volt DC power port for TV or other controllers.
- • Adjustable console angle to accommodate users at all positions.
- • USB charger for phones, mp3 players and other electronic devices.
